Over the past few decades, companies have transitioned to becoming more open space workplaces which encourage teamwork and collaboration. While this has multiple benefits for company culture and effectiveness, there are some downsides to this change.

Workplace productivity is hindered by the popularity of the open space environment, which means that individuals are more likely to be sidetracked and distracted. Embrava provides a solution to the problems that come with the changing modern office.

Embrava has created a do not disturb light which can be easily integrated into a business environment, providing solutions for communication that isn’t disruptive between individuals. Here are some of the benefits that come with using Embrava!

Picture: Pexels

Increasing productivity

By installing these do not disturb lights across the office you will be helping to increase employee productivity. This is because these Embrava lights provide a clear signal of whether an individual is available to talk to or busy with a task.

The easy-to-read signal and ease of attachment to desks and cubicles make it practical and efficient for gauging the availability of colleagues. This will help improve office flows and efficiency, as individuals have a clear indication of when their colleagues are busy. It also prompts employees to stay on task and improve their individual productivity!

Team collaboration

The nature of Embrava light solutions also helps to improve team collaboration

, as those in a group are able to see when their teammates are available or busy with individual tasks. The physical device and software integration allows for employees to organise meetings and communicate more efficiently.

Communication is key for good team collaboration and improving the performance of a team. Installing Embrava into your workplace can help promote a more efficient and effective way of communications between employees on teams.

Improving the process of activity-based working

Many companies have now adopted activity-based working, in which settings change depending on the task assigned. But without proper tools and settings in place, employees may be frustrated with finding a space and resort to trying to save a spot.

Embrava provides a solution to these problems, by providing a visual signal as a versatile tool which can help companies to better organise their space. The do not disturb light can be easily integrated into existing systems to solve modern office problems.

Improving morale

The benefits of Embrava solutions can overall improve morale across the company, as the benefits which come with installing such an effective tool can make a huge difference across board.

Increasing productivity, helping team collaboration, and solving problems which arise from hot-desking can lead to better employee morale.

Because people are now less likely to be interrupted from their individual tasks and face disruptions in the office, they can focus on being more on-task, which will reduce the time needed to complete activities. With the improvement in productivity, individuals can enjoy being less stressed.

Work from home with less distractions

The changing business environment with the evolution of technology has led to different configurations of an office setting. It is now very common to undertake tasks for your job at home. While this can be a convenient option, staying at home comes with a lot of distractions.

It also means that those living in your home need to allow you to complete your activities without breaking your focus. Because your house isn’t typically associated with work, it can be harder to get on task.

Embrava allows a clear visual signal to be set which indicates that you are busy, making it easier for those in your household to recognise when you can be disturbed.